Just a Dream????

When we were younger, I’m sure we all spent a considerable amount of time daydreaming about our future and all the amazing things that life would have in store for us. I know, for some, it was the incredible job we would secure and be fantastic at, for others the fairy tale romance, dream weddingContinueContinue reading “Just a Dream????”

Sunshine after the Rain…

Photo by Ronald Plett on Pexels.com Fortunately, we humans tend to be fairly resilient and optimistic, regardless of the time of year, we always feel that better days will follow. Not just necessarily regarding the weather it may be life in general! It can only be considered a positive outlook to be optimistic, but thatContinueContinue reading “Sunshine after the Rain…”

April Fool….

Imagine… When you woke up this morning and went to have your breakfast, the postman had been and delivered a letter in a big brown envelope, marked URGENT! Would you delay opening it for fear of bad news? Or would you open it as fast as possible to get it out of the way?? Personally,ContinueContinue reading “April Fool….”

Spring Rolls?????

If the Winter has left you with a few Spring Rolls, now is the time to be focusing towards the healthier, lighter version of you that’s always waited patiently for you to get motivated and focused. It’s the you you’ve always promised that “one day” you would be!! Photo by Markus Spiske on Pexels.com Blossom byContinueContinue reading “Spring Rolls?????”

The Feel Good Factor..

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com Our brain has the most incredible capacity to affect and influence both how we feel, and also how we focus and act. Knowing and understanding exactly how the chemicals the brain produces are created and work gives us limitless possibilities to adapt them so that they are fit for theContinueContinue reading “The Feel Good Factor..”

What A Difference A Day Makes…..

Photo by Travis Rupert on Pexels.com Photo by Joonas ku00e4u00e4riu00e4inen on Pexels.com We all know the song “What a difference a day makes” originally by Dinah Washington, 24 little hours, but all too often we’re so busy looking so far in front that we don’t make the most of the now! How many times doesContinueContinue reading “What A Difference A Day Makes…..”

It’s a new dawn, a new day…..

Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com And I’m feeling good!!!! Every single dawn presents the chance, the promise, the opportunity to leave yesterday in the past and make this new day amazing!! Just because you haven’t seen it this way before, doesn’t mean you can’t now! So what does “amazing” feel like? Is it achievingContinueContinue reading “It’s a new dawn, a new day…..”

Eyes Front!!!

All to often when making the decision to embark on a new way of thinking, living and eating, rather than focusing forward it seems more energy is spent looking back at past mistakes and past failures. It would be far more useful to ask the question WHY, what was it that led me to notContinueContinue reading “Eyes Front!!!”

Hello 2024…

Here we are a brand New Year!! Full of opportunities and a chance for this year to be the year you achieve all your weight-loss aspirations and dreams. Photo by Bich Tran on Pexels.com The most important thing to remember is that for many of you, this is not a new start, it’s the continuationContinueContinue reading “Hello 2024…”

Goodbye 2023!!!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com As the clock strikes 12.00 As the clock strikes Midnight and we prepare to say goodbye to 2023, often thoughts may turn to the opportunities we either took, or didn’t, the dreams that came true, or that didn’t. Often saying goodbye may bring regrets and sorrow for everything we didn’t doContinueContinue reading “Goodbye 2023!!!”